Speech & Language Therapy
Speech and Language Therapy enables student learning by overcoming barriers in the area of Communication and Interaction and through providing a Total Communication approach throughout the school and across the whole day. Total Communication utilises all means of communication available such as gesture, speech, signing, symbols, photographs and objects to maximise students receptive understanding. The Speech and Language Therapist develops programmes to support students with their Expressive Communication. Sessions can be with individuals and small groups. Outcomes for Speech Therapy:
- Improving speech and supporting students with articulation difficulties to express themselves clearly
- Supporting students in Expressive Communication and in using ‘their’ voice to express their everyday wants and needs-this often includes use of Alternative and Augmentative Communication Technology (AAC)
- Supporting students to develop their skills of interaction and social skills
- Development of turn taking, eye contact, joint attention, engagement and ‘on task’ behaviour and attitudes
to learning