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Sheiling Parents

Parent Forum

The idea of the forum is for parents/carers to meet in person (and previously via Microsoft Teams) to converse, share ideas or to just listen in a non-judgemental environment. We all have different thoughts and feelings on a wide range of subjects with the common factor being our children/young people. 

We are a unique group of people who can help each other navigate looking after our young people, share ideas, learn about various subjects and have great conversations with other parents/carers who actually do understand-or at least understand more than others might. A bonus is the various members of staff that attend the meetings, an ideal opportunity to pick their brains and learn about their specialist subject! 

The forum has continued to evolve since it started in 2020. In general, a meeting starts with the previous meeting minutes being “signed off” by a couple of thumbs-up, followed by an informative and interesting update from the different areas of the school and college. 

The spotlight feature changes at each meeting: we have covered Fundraising, EHCPs (which turned into individual EHCP events) and the Mental Capacity Act to name a few. Any ideas for future development of the forum are welcome.

The meeting is very relaxed and questions can be raised at any time and these often lead to further questions or start interesting conversations. Also, if you would rather come along just to listen, you are more than welcome. If there is a subject that you are interested in, the Parent Forum team would be happy to include these in future meetings or feedback on an individual basis. The spotlight presentations are often shared (as are the meeting minutes) so you can listen without trying to take detailed notes. 

The first in-person meeting was a huge success, lots of attendees chatting, meeting for the first time or meeting in person for the first time, sharing ideas, whole group and smaller group conversations in a relaxed environment with the added bonus of tasty treats. 

If you would like to attend the next meeting or would like further information, please contact

Helen - Sheiling Parent and Parent Forum Lead

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